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Mini Dolphins

Mini Dolphins goal is to get swimmers prepared to swim across the pool, feel confident in water and become a true Mighty Dolphin for HVST's regular swim team! Our program will teach little ones how a swim practice is run and what a group swim is like in a fun and relaxed setting. Swimmers will work on stroke technique to build their swimming confidence.

It's designed for kids new to swimming in a group and/or are water safe but do not know the strokes; hesitant swimmers or swimmers that have some swim team experience; know some freestyle and can breath on their own; or finished Pollywogs. At the end of the program, our coaches will evaluate each swimmer on what the best fit for their child will be for the upcoming summer, including whether they're ready for HVST Summer swim team or recommend they join Pollywogs. 

Mini Dolphins is open to kids 4.5 to 6 years old or new 7 year olds. 

It's offered in the Spring Only.

March 3, 2025 to April 3, 2025 practice schedule

Monday thru Thursdays
3:15pm to 3:45pm 4-6 year olds and New or no Experience 7 yrs old.


$195 per swimmer Port Streets Phase 1 residents

$228 per swimmer Non-HVCA Port Streets residents

NO REFUND POLICY FOR REGISTRATIONS: there is no pro-rating of fees for partial attendance due to absences, injury or inclement weather. Once paid, registration fees for any swim programs and other events are non-refundable.


Cash or checks made to CASH.

Fees must be paid and waiver signed prior to participation. To confirm enrollment, payment and form to be dropped off at 1854 Port Westbourne, Newport Beach, 92660 during practice hours Monday - Thursday 3pm-5pm. Label your envelope Mini Dolphins Swim Clinic - Swimmer's Name.


Contact Coach Todd Hickman

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