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SCSC League Champions

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HVST vs. NHST 857 - 371
HVST vs. Lake Forest 711.5 - 609.5
HVST vs. GVST 711.5 - 609.5
HVST vs. GBST 772 - 556
SCSC League Relay Finals HVST - 618
GVST - 448
HNST - 424
Lake Forest - 396
GBST - 376
PSST - 244
HVST vs. GVST 758 - 560
HVST vs. PSST 839.5 - 455.5
SCSC League Finals HVST -  1616.5

GVST -  1289.5
Lake Forest - 1159

GBST - 1127.5

HNST - 1052.5
PSST - 913

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The following is our overall Team Results in 2023:

HVST vs. Newport Hills 794 vs. 483
HVST vs. Pacific Sands 859 vs. 473
HVST vs. Lake Forest 802 vs. 494
SCSC League Relay Finals HVST - 712
GVST - 472
LFII - 356
PSST - 342
NHST - 316
GBST - 284
HVST vs. Green Brook 768 vs. 521
HVST vs. Green Valley 745.5 vs. 583.5
HVST vs. Newport Hills 782 vs. 438
SCSC League Championships HVST - 1820.5
GVST - 1396
LFII - 1222.5
NHST - 1014.5
PSST - 978.5
GBST - 840

The SCSC League standings for 2023 is here.

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Coach Todd's 2022 Video Recap - Thank you for another amazing season! Eight years undefeated! Go Mighty Dolphins!

The following is our overall Team Results in 2022:

HVST vs. Newport Hills 433 vs. 155
HVST vs. Lake Forest 747 vs. 538
HVST vs. Pacific Sands 670 vs. 620
SCSC League Relay Finals HVST – 718
LFII – 463
GBST – 393
GVST – 374
PSST – 328
NHST – 312
HVST vs. Greenbrook 778 vs. 507
HVST vs. Green Valley 803 vs. 474
SCSC League Championships HVST – 1554
LFII – 1411
PSST – 1223
GVST – 1123
GBST – 1042
NHST - 911
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